This is the story of a tree that living in its natural condition was isolated from the world and following the course of nature managed to survive through time, defying the changes of the modern world, reappearing to surprise humanity after more than 200 million years.
History makes a comeback when a forest of 150 trees is discovered somewhere in the Greater Blue Mountains in Sydney Australia, in 1994.
Mr David Noble whose passion for nature, climbing mountains and living new adventures took him one day to an extraordinary forest. Despite his experience and knowledge of nature, he found himself before a specimen of tree that even he did not know.
Thus begins a study of the samples that Mr Noble has collected to conclude that not only in Australia but the in the whole world there was no idea of the existence of this type of tree.
Faced with the need to identify this specimen, it was decided to honour its discoverer, Mr Noble, by giving the tree the name of Nobilis Pine Tree.
Time passes and finally "eureka", a very close relative belonging to the Araucaria family is found. A solidified fossil dating back 200 million years.
Its name is WOLLEMI PINE.
Since then, a campaign has begun to reforest the world with this extraordinary Wollemi Pine that has had a great international acceptance.
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