The Sierra Nevada of Santa Marta is a snow-covered mountain more than 5,500 meters above sea level on the Caribbean coast of north Colombia. In this mountain system, independent of the Andes, are born 36 rivers that feed much of Colombia. Territory inhabited by The Arawaks, descendants of The Tayrona, who venerate the Sierra Nevada as a sacred site and the heart of the world from where the rest of the universe revolves.
For them the earth is Mother Earth; in the same way they venerate the sun, the moon and believe in a Supreme being or Father who guides their steps. Their young people are educated to perpetuate the wisdom attained by their elders in order to follow a life in peace with their spirit and natural environment. Despite being over 17,000 kilometers away and with a difference of tens of thousands of years between one culture and the other, is Uluru, Australia.
Uluru: Monolith of 863 meters above sea level and a diameter of 9.4 kilometers, located in the desert of Central Australia, is a sacred place of the Australian Aborigines Pitjantjatjara, Aboriginal people of the area known as the Aṉangu people. According to their connection with Mother Earth, they live day by day to take care of nature and are its custodians in charge of spreading the teachings of their ancestors and pay homage to the past, present, and emerging inhabitants of Mother Earth. They also believe in a great Father who inspires their path.
Accustomed to communicating with the earth through silence, they manage to find the wisdom of the universe and adhere to it to find the spiritual peace that identifies them.
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